So, to make a long story “short”, my hair was greasy from the day I hit puberty, and 2 days after I wash it, it’s greasy. From 2005-2009 I would wash my hair every other day and straighten it practically every day. (My natural hair is very curly, I might post a photo of that one day.) I tried so many shampoos, I cannot even name them all. From drugstore brands like Pantene Pro V, Herbal Essences, Schauma, Gliss, Head & Shoulders to high end stuff like Redken, TiGi, even their Catwalk line, yet none of them amazed me so much that I could instantly say it was the best thing for my hair. It has always been my dream to have long hair, since my mother always cut it short back when I was a kid. But then I realized that no matter how much it grows out in a month or two, I would have to cut off even more because of all the damage I made with a straightening iron and because my hair has a slower growth. And I wasn’t straightening my hair with a cheap straightening iron, I actually cashed out 100 euros for it. But high temperatures are always deadly for hair. I was literally depressed because I believed I would never have long hair.
Then, around fall 2009 I decided not to straighten my hair AT ALL for as long as I can and wear it up practically all the time. Now, 2 years later, I occasionally straighten my hair - once or twice a month - and my hair has reached a length that I thought it never would.
But, since nothing can ever be perfect, I noticed that I had dandruff, but not the regular kind, I would actually be able to pull out pretty big pieces of scalp and that sort of freaked me out. I instantly thought I had seborrheic dermatitis. The symptoms were all there: greasy hair, dandruff, itchy red scalp, increased hair fall out. I tried using a mild baby shampoo like Johnson’s baby shampoo and PENATEN but they made the thing even worse. I switched to a beer shampoo which everyone raved about on several forums, and I wanted to make myself like it, I really did. I actually used up 3 bottles. But the dandruff was still there.
I was desperate. I was planning on visiting a dermatologist but never got around to doing it. So then a few days ago I was reading about all the different shampoos that people had recommended and I was sure that I had tested them all. I stumbled upon a Balea product thread and read that their Aprikose & Milch Feuchtigkeitschampoo (transl. Apricot & Milk Moistureshampoo) was raved about. I visited german forums and read about more people swearing by this shampoo. So I bought it along with the matching conditioner.
I washed, blow dried and straightened my hair and I got silky smooth, moisturised, amazingly smelling hair with NO DANDRUFF. Yes, I finally got rid of the devil. And now I can finally say that this is the best thing I have ever used on my hair.
Another product from Balea that lured me in was the Bodymousse. It is a limited edition product, or at least that’s what it says on the packaging and it’s raspberry scented. If you ever enjoyed Mamba candy as a kid, and liked the raspberry one, that is what you are going to smell like after you put this on. So far, I really like it, but then again, I don’t. I love how it moisturizes my skin and really makes it soft, but the amazing raspberry scent turns into a rancid sour smell 2-3 hours after application. Now, I don’t know if that’s because it reacts with my skin in some weird way or if it’s because of the product itself. I can only remember this happening with one more product, and that was Fruttini’s body butter in Cherry Vanilla. Anyone knows what that sourness is all about? I hope you enjoyed this ridiculously long post, feel free to share your hair story, I’d love to read it!
Gdje me nađe? Kao da sam ja napisala, skoro pa od riječi do riječi :)
ReplyDeleteKao prvo, mater me vazda šišala na kratko kad sam bila manja, kaže da bi mi kosa bila gušća. Bila sam isto muškić, prikaza :D I uspjela sam pustiti kosu davno nekad, tad mi se nije mastila ko sad, ali uz silno peglanje je bila uzasno ostecena, i koliko god ja skracivala vrhove nije joj pomagalo.
Unazad 5-6 godina imam kracu frizuru, malo ispod brade ali kosa mi se masti, tako kao i ti je perem svaki drugi dan, s tim da izgleda cisto samo onaj dan kad je operem, ili ako je operem navece onda sutradan. Vec onaj drugi dan (kada bih je navece trebala oprati) je pomasna, pa stavim pudera u prahu jer me smori da je perem svaki dan (i to sam radila jedno vrijeme).
Uglavnom patim se s tim, isprobala sam dosta sampona (doduse ne toliko kao ti, ali fina je brojka i kod mene :D) i ni jedan nije pomogao. Pa sam se pomirila s tim da je perkam svaki drugi dan i ende. I ja sam prestala peglat svaki dan, peglam je samo ako negdje idem a u posljednje vrijeme i ne idem nigdje toliko cesto pa je samo zavezem dok sam u kuci.
Navikla sam da se borim s masnom kosom a onda kad sam jedan dan vidjela komadice koze u kosi, perutalo se tjeme ko blesavo odjednom, kad me infarkt ne strefi :D Ali hvala Bogu, (da kucnem o drvo) to sam rijesila sa Head&shoulders-om, pa mi je "samo" ostala masnikosa :D
Sad koristim Herbal Essences samo zato sto mi od njega kosa mirise fino, dok mi od drugih nije tako mirišila nego je onaj drugi dan miris već izlapio.
A ovo Baleino malo cudo nisam probala, ali jesam nesto slicno iz Avona. Doduse to je bio jogurt za tijelo, i nije od maline nego od kupine cini mi se, ali je u dodiru s kožom bilo pojako, i nije mi baš pasalo.
Eto moje priče, jbt post napisa čitav u komentaru :D Ne zamjeri :)
Zanimljivo! Nisam bas sigurna u svoju pricu, hmm.
ReplyDeletemy blog-followme♥mfashionfreak
Nisam probala nikad ništa od Balee za kosu, ali si me zeinteresovala ovim postom, moram priznati. Moja priča oko kose se nikada nije odnosila na oštećenost, perut, niti bilo šta slično, već na konstantno menjanje boje i frizura, nema koju nijansu nisam imala na svojoj glavi, dužinu ili oblik frizure, strašno :D
ReplyDeleteI moja priča je slična, djetinjstvo me uvijek asocira na moju kratku kosu,tek kad sam malo narasla, dovoljno da i ja učestvujem u biranju odjece i frizure (do tad je bilo kako mama kaže :D ) počela sam puštati kosu, i sad je duga, i naravno masna svaki drugi dan.
ReplyDeleteZanimljivo, i ja trenutnu imam ovaj narandžasti šampon od balee, kupila sam ga samo radi mirisa, zacrtala sam sebi da moram isprobati sve 'boje', jer ionako je svejedno koji koristim kosa se opet zamasti, pa sam i odustala u borbi protiv mašćenja.
PS. tek sam danas sasvim slučajno otkrila ovaj blog, i jako mi dopada, postovi su odlični a tek savršene slike, divota :)
sad odoh da čitam older posts
sad će biti jako smiješno da i ja napišem da imam isti problem, ali honestly.. perem kosu svaki dan Head&shoulder-som i pored peruti ( koja je tu kao rezultat toga što je perem svaki dan pa isušim tjeme valjda )užasno i opada, obišla sam sve dermatologe u gradu i kad ne znaju šta je..onda je STRES.. groundbreaking, najduže što sam uspijela da je ne operem je 4 dana i to uz pomoć Baleinog šampona u spreju/prahu..evo upravo sjedim sa peškirom na glavi dok kucam ovo, bacila sam ogromne pare i na vitamine za kosu ,neke sam čak iz Amerike naručivala ali ništa.. po ovo idem sutra, ako mi pomogne, spomenik ću ti podići ! :D
ReplyDeleteEmina, definitivno probaj. Ja sam počela vriskati kad sam poslije pranja provjerila tjeme i uočila da nema peruti. Milina! Šampon je stvarno blag, nema silikona, super je!