I am back. I am actually back. This time for real. I have been missing this blog for far too long and this time, I will not quit. I also have a new blog design - new header, new fonts, bigger images. A lot of things have happened in the past few years which I'll slowly reveal throughout future posts. Without further ado, this is today's post. A lovely mint nail polish.
I was introduced to Bourjois back when I was very little. I remember that my mother had one of their small round blushes and that she would take it everywhere. She would also let me play with it because I was incredibly drawn to it due to its strong, pink color. I bought this nail polish on one of my trips to Croatia. As it turns out, Bourjois stopped selling their products in Austria a few years ago, so I'll have to stock up on anything I like in Croatia or order it online.
04 Amande defile is a pretty mint color. Sadly, and I'm going to say this right at the beginning, the color payoff isn't that great. I'm used to applying 2 coats, everything above I consider sheer. This took 3 coats to get this opaque color, so I have to count that as a con. When applied though, the color looks great. Not too green, not too blue. I love pairing mints with gold, so I always wear gold jewellery with a mint manicure.
I'd say that, considering I applied this nail polish yesterday, and that I can already see some scratches on some of my nails, the longevity of the nail polish is not great, even though three coats were applied. Can you recommend a good mint color with great color payoff and quality?
Neki dan sam se ponovno sjetila tvog bloga i pokazivala sestri slike da vidi koji blog mi je u tako malo vremena postao najdraži. I sad nakon par dana ti počneš ponovno pisati, presretna sam! :D
ReplyDeleteNemaš pojma koliko mi to znači. Previše mi je falio blog, previše. A sad imam i toliko materijala za pisanje, nakupilo se svega! :)
Deleteaaaaa jes opet počinješ!! :D
ReplyDeleteI htjela sam te pitati, jel te netko slika ili sama staviš na stativ ili imaš onaj remote control ili nekako drugačije?
Nemam čak ni stativ. :) Stavim fotić tamo gdje ima najviše svjetla (daska od prozora) i onda s daljinskim okidam, na 2 sekunde timer, dovoljno da ga ispustim iz ruke.
Deletea super :) još jedno pitanje, gdje i za koliko si nabavila daljinski? hihi
Deletedaljinski je sa e-baya, upišeš model fotića i remote i uzmeš najjeftiniji :)
Deletemoja preporuka za prekrasan mintasti lak je essie mint candy apple ;)
ReplyDeleteto sam si i mislila! baš sam ga gledala neki dan kad sam kupovala svoja prva 2 Essie laka. :)
DeleteJako lijepa boja laka :). A i fotke su savršene.
ReplyDeleteprekrasan mint lak :D
ReplyDeletesviđa mi se kontrast laka i tamnije pozadine :)