November 5, 2011


Today it struck me how close winter is. For the past few years the first snow fell around the 20th of November, and yes, I actually write these things down. :)
But, while it's still fall, I picked up a branch with small yellow leaves outside.

I'm wearing Deborah's Sense TECH 100% MATT nail polish in the color 04.
I wouldn't say this nail polish is 100% matt - rather satin, because it's not entirely matte, there is still a slight shine but nothing strong enough to classify is as glossy.
On the back of the bottle it says to "apply on bare nails to make your fashion statement. Do not use base coat, top coat, drying drops or hand lotion", so that's what I did, two coats and now I'm enjoying my minty nails, especially the satin finish. I have never previously applied anything other than creme nail polishes. I am not a huge fan of glitter, shimmer, pearl, frost finishes on my nails, I definitely don't find them ugly but I feel like they don't coincide with my minimalist nature.

One more announcement: I will be doing a giveaway in a few days to honor my loyal followers. I first have to go out and buy the products I'm going to be giving away so watch out for that post! :)

I cannot find anything about Deborah Milano testing on animals so I cannot give it a cruelty free stamp.


  1. Krasni nokti. Ni ja ne volim pearl/frost finiše, ali zato obožavam gliter. Mislim, kako možeš ne voljet gliter ;)

  2. Svidja mi se lak. Bas dosta vuce na mat, ali koliko god ja ne volela mat, uz ovu boju ide :D

  3. Imaš prelepe nokte, moram to ponovo da ti kažem, a i lak je divan!

  4. nikad nisam probala mat lakove, više volim one gloss klasične, a i šljokice su muka živa za skinuti. super boja i super nokti btw ;)

  5. Jako lijepi noktići :) A i boja mi je divna. Čini mi se da sam sličnu komentirala na tvojoj drugoj stranici gdje si fotkala prijateljicu sa takvim mint noktićima :)

  6. Taj lak je divan, i sličice su čarobne :)

  7. Imam ovaj lak i obozavam ga... Divni nokti i lak, naravno ;))

  8. Kao i uvijek, jako dobre fotke...baš mi se sviđa taj finiš!

  9. JAO BAŠ MI SE SVIĐA OVA NIJANSA! i jedva čekam taj giveaway :D

  10. sjajna boja laka,moram naci ;D

  11. I can stare at these photos for hours. They're amazing!

  12. Ovaj mi je medju omiljenim jos od proslog leta, ali mnogo se brzo zguli bez top coata. Savrsene slike ;)

  13. Prelijepa nijansa i prelijepi nokti!!! xoxo, A.

  14. Such a wonderful nail polish color! I like this post!
    Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

    Don’t forget to enter the ZELEB giveaway on my blog!!
    Cosa mi metto???

  15. Divan je, posebno zbog toga mat momenta ;) Međutim, imam jedan Deborah lak i užasno kratko traje, pa se ne usuđujem da kupujem jos njihovih lakova. Bilo bi dobro kad bi s ovim lakom uradila onaj tvoj 5 days test ;)


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