January 5, 2012


I've been gone for a long time. But I'm back. My nails were having a rough time for the past few weeks and I was too ashamed to post photos of them online. Also, this is not going to be a post about my ring collection because, at the moment, I am in Germany visiting my brother. And you know what that means - an excuse to buy tons of stuff!

I've been wanting to get Essence's Time for Romance glitter nail polish for the longest time, ever since I fell in love with Make it Golden. So I bought that and a plain black nail polish because I hadn't owned one for about 2 years. Today, after the regrowth process of my nails had finally finished, I painted my nails black.

On top of that I added Essence's Time for Romance.

I am really loving this. I was left with galaxy/outer space-like looking nails and I think I'm going to be wearing the combination of these two nail polishes on my nails a lot. I'll try to experiment by adding some white dots or specks and other colors with a simple sponge to make it more three-dimensional. How did you spend the winter holidays?


  1. divni noktici i perfektne slike kao i uvek :)))

  2. Da, slike su ti uvek savršene zaista :)

  3. meni su galaxy nokti jedan od najdražih načina na koje nosim lak, nosila sam ih gotovo cijeli mjesec prošle godine..samo što ja tu nabacam svašta, jedno 7-8 lakova pa mi dođe da plačem kad trebam skinuti sve te šljoke, pola sata mi treba :D i daaaj pokaži nam prstenčiće, mene su rasprodaje ubile i kad je nakit u pitanju ove godine,da svaki dan u mjesecu nosim drugi prsten ostalo bi nepronosanih :D

  4. Sjajna kombinacija, ne mogu da verujem da jos nemam ovaj time for romance, mnogo dobro izgleda preko crnog

  5. Mila, hvala ti na predivnom komentaru...nema mi nista draze, nego kada ljudi iskreno kazu svoje misljenje...

    Nokti su ti kao i uvijek WOW!!!

    Lp :***

  6. Sa ovakvim slikama svaki lak izgleda odlicno ali ne bez razloga, naravno ;)
    Evo ni ovo mi ne bi palo na pamet, a zaista si postigla galaxy momenat :D

  7. Time for romance pratim i kupujem bas ej sladak :)
    I meni su nokti bili losi ovih dana ali popravljaju se :)

  8. Na mom blogu je giveaway, check it out!

  9. Mhhhh...moje boje...naravno da mi se svidja...slike ti vise necu komentarisati jer me standardno tvoja fotografija odusevi...ja sam bas pisala o kremici za nokte koja je moje bas oporavila...procitaj recenziju, mozda te zainteresuje...pozzz


  10. Wow, gorgeous! I really have to get that Essence nail polish, it's beautiful. x

  11. Very nice! ♥


  12. i've been reading your blog for some time and i must admit i totally love it. you have very interesting posts.
    i work in one american fashion house (i can't say which) and i'm accustomed to everything, believe me :)
    but today, one friend of my came to work with orange cardigan and purple nails. i coudn't believe. it would be ok if she has some purple supplement. but nothing. i think that this is unacceptable for someone who is into the fashion to wear non-matching thigs like that.
    i'm sorry if i've been exhausting but i had to get rid off frustration, and you seem like person with style and consideration :)

  13. odlican je ljubicasti, odusevljena sam :) essence je stvarno dobra kvaliteta za tu cijenu! :) pratim!

  14. Love this!

  15. super kombinacija, fotke bomba k'o i obično :-D
    svrati na moj blog, imam tamo par nagrada za tebe... nadam se da će te inspirirat da opet malo postaš ;-D

  16. joj damn, bas sam jucer gledala taj lak i nekako sam se jedva jedvice uspjela uvjerit da mi ne treba, da sta ce mi jos jedan lak i da nije *tak* bitno da ga kupim.. i sad nadjem tvoj post.. ode samokontrola kroz prozor :) manikura je prekrasna!!!


Feel free to comment in any language! (I speak Croatian, English, German & French)