September 24, 2011


Finally, the day came. I went shopping with a friend who has the power to convince you that everything looks great on you and to spend money! Haha.
I’m really strict about things like shopping for new make up because I own a whole lot and I don’t want to buy too many things in a short period of time and build a huge pile of make up that I cannot use up. So, since I used up two lip products and two blushes which were both a peachy color, I went out and got an orange lipstick that I really, really wanted and a peachy blush, but I also got two eye liner/lip brushes.
The lipstick I got is from Manhattan, a German company. The one I got is Perfect Creamy & Care in the color 34N, which is a gorgeous orange color, but with a hint of coral too.
It’s definitely not matte but rather soft, velvety. I absolutely love it!

The blush I bought is from Essence and it is in the color Secret It-Girl. It looks much darker in the packaging than it does on the skin, it is actually a really nice peachy color that I wanted.

The two brushes I bought are essentially the same. They're both for gel liners but I also like to use them for lining my lips before I put on a bold lipstick to get a fine, crisp line.

Now these two things I bought could be something that you don't care about, but I'll share them anyways. I bought
thigh high socks and shoes for autumn.


  1. Je li ti bolji essence kistić iz stalne postave ili ovaj LE? mislim po tvrdoći kista, meni bolje paše ako su dlačice čvršće pa razmišljam koji da kupim

  2. Bolji mi je ovaj iz stalne postave, ali sam sama odabrala jedan gdje sam primjetila da su dlačice koje su vani kraće nego kod drugih, jer su tako inače tvrđe. :) Pa probaj i tako pogledati ako ih ima više i uzmi onaj gdje su kraće.

  3. Karmin, dokolenice, cipelice, sve po mom ukusu, baš mi se dopada :) :*

  4. cipelice su *-* Taman tražim neke lijepe oxfordice. Bila bih presretna kada bi mogla naći nešto ovako:

    Predivne su mi takve sa srčekima :D

  5. @Violet Fairy
    Tako nešto ćeš sigurno pronaći na ebayu, ali je odgovarajući broj i kvaliteta upitna, to je negativna strana online kupnje.

  6. Da već sam razmišljala o ebayu, samo me brine baš to-broj i kvaliteta. Obuću ipak volim vidjeti i isprobati prije nego ju kupim...

  7. krasne cipelice?! Di si ih ubola ako se smije znati? :)

  8. @Marina
    Cipelice su iz Roberta, jako jeftine a sasvim ok za moje potrebe.

  9. where'd u get ur oxfords? :O they r so pretty!


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